Walter Aurell
Walter has designed buildings throughout the Northeast, ranging in scale from college buildings at Simmons University, Harvard, Brown and MIT, to single-family homes. A significant number of his projects have focused on the restoration and adaptive reuse of historic structures. He enjoys working at all aspects and scales of design, including site and landscape, built-in furniture, lighting and color selection. Walter believes that the investigation of place and context, not style, should be the primary inspiration in determining architectural form, and like Mies, that “God is in the details”.
Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Master of Architecture
Cornell University, College of Architecture
New York University, Bachelor of Arts
Margaret Garcia
Growing up in Texas, where she earned her degrees in industrial engineering, interior design, and architecture, Margaret began her career designing the adaptive re-use of significant cultural, commercial and residential buildings in Dallas. After moving to New York City as a project architect with the Lee H. Skolnick Partnership, her portfolio grew to include townhouse renovations, environmental centers, children’s museums and houses of worship. Throughout her career, Margaret has been inspired by her interests in science and art, music and poetry, to craft spaces that resonate on a level beyond the purely utilitarian.
University of Texas at Arlington, Master of Architecture
Texas State University, Bachelor of Science, Interior Design